//FixIn: (function ( $ ){ $.fn.extend( { wpbc_timeselector: function (){ var times_options = []; this.each( function (){ var el = $( this ); // On new days click we are searching for old time items, and remove them from this booking form if ( el.parent().find( '.wpbc_times_selector' ).length ) { el.parent().find( '.wpbc_times_selector' ).remove(); } el.find( 'option' ).each( function ( ind ){ times_options.push( { title : jQuery( this ).text() , value : jQuery( this ).val() , disabled: jQuery( this ).is( ':disabled' ) , selected: jQuery( this ).is( ':selected' ) } ); } ); var times_options_html = $.fn.wpbc_timeselector.format( times_options ); el.after( times_options_html ); el.next('.wpbc_times_selector').find('div').not('.wpbc_time_picker_disabled').on( "click", function() { // Get data value of clicked DIV time-slot var selected_value = jQuery( this ).attr( 'data-value' ); // Remove previos selected class jQuery( this ).parent( '.wpbc_times_selector' ).find( '.wpbc_time_selected' ).removeClass( 'wpbc_time_selected' ); // Set time item with selected Class jQuery( this ).addClass('wpbc_time_selected'); el.find( 'option' ).prop( 'selected', false ); // Find option in selectbox with this value el.find( 'option[value="' + selected_value + '"]' ).prop( 'selected', true ); el.trigger( 'change' ); }); el.hide(); times_options = []; } ); return this; // Chain } } ); // Get HTML structure of times selection $.fn.wpbc_timeselector.format = function ( el_arr ) { var select_div = ''; var css_class=''; $.each( el_arr, function (index, el_item){ if ( !el_item.disabled ){ if (el_item.selected){ css_class = 'wpbc_time_selected'; } else { css_class = ''; } select_div += '